Upcoming Events

Friday, March 7, 2025 @ 6PM

Salutations to the Theotokos (Hairetismoi) - Lenten Potluck at the conclusion of the service

Sunday, March 9 (Immediately Following Divine Liturgy)

We will be having a guest speaker Dr. Patsavos, lunch will be provided; those wishing to bring food [donation] to share is appreciated!


 March-April 2025 Newsletter



Give to St. Nicholas

Donations towards flower and candle costs for Lenten Period and Easter


  • Flowers for Theotokos, Four Fridays in Lent - $200
  • Holy Week Candle Donations - $300
  • Flowers for the Epitaphion - $1200
  • Small and medium arrangements for the Epitaphion, Organ, and Epistle Stand - $700
  • Narthex Arrangements - $400
  • Candle Stands - $200
  • Large Resurrection Icon for Holy Saturday - $200
  • Altar Entrance Flowers - $400 E

We appreciate whatever contribution you’re able to make!



It’s time to order your Greek Easter Pastry Trays!

$35/platter 6 pieces each of Baklava, Koulourakia and Kourambiethes Order by April 6 for April 18 pickup

Email Brandy Quinn-Richards: Brandyand2@comcast.net or text: 603-231-9207


Fridays: March 7, March 14, March 21, and April 4 - 6:00 pm

Salutations to the Theotokos (Hairetismoi) - Lenten Potluck meals to follow


Sunday, March 9

Dr. Patsavos, guest speaker


Sunday, March 16

5-Year Memorial for Bill Bobotas


Sunday, March 23

3rd Sunday of Great Lent: Procession of the Holy Cross

Blessing with St. Nektarios Holy Oil

Pizza Lunch and a Movie, Man of God, in our hall

$10 per person, $25 for family


Friday, March 28

we are invited to attend the second annual district 1 Lenten retreat (Salutations and

a speaker) at St. George Cathedral.


Sunday, March 30

40-day Memorial for John Kyriacopoulos


Sunday, April 6

Divine Liturgy at the St Methodios Faith & Heritage Center (No Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas)

Lunch and Fellowship at the camp


April 13 Palm Sunday Annual Fish Luncheon

Where: St. Nicholas Church Hall

Dinner: Fish, rice, green beans, salad and dessert $25 for fish dinner; children eat

free (Mac and cheese for children under 12)

Please order by March 30

Email: Karen Duval krduval@comcast.net or text 603-494-1413

 March-April 2025 Newsletter

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity